About Us

GNFN is set up as a vehicle to the nations for evangelism, teaching, and equipping the five-fold ministry (Philippians 4:11) and the body of Christ.
The Lord has raised up Good News for the Nations, Inc. to remind the church that this is our mission. This is what missions is all about. You could say “the mission of the church is missions”.
Won’t you join with us to obey Jesus Christ and to take the Good News to our neighbors in our city and to the ends of the earth as He instructed? Please read on and see what you can do right where you are. We are ALL instructed to do the same. We all have a part.


Note from the Founder
One of the last things Jesus said before He ascended to go to His father was to wait in Jerusalem because He was going to send the Holy Spirit that was promised in the book of Joel. The Holy Spirit would give them power and they would be witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and unto the uttermost parts of the earth.
To me Jesus was giving all of His disciples last minute instructions from His heart. He also reiterated in the book of Peter that it was His will that all be saved and that no one perishes. So their instruction was to wait for the Holy Spirit who was promised to empower them so they could reach the nations both near and far with the good news of what Jesus had done so the people in the world would not perish but will live forever with God.
The Lord has raised up Good News for the Nations, Inc. to remind the church that this is our mission. This is what missions is all about. You could say “the mission of the church is missions”
Won’t you join with us to obey Jesus Christ and to take the Good News to our neighbors in our city and to the ends of the earth as He instructed? Please read on and see what you can do right where you are. We are ALL instructed to do the same. We all have a part. It will take a team to do what we are instructed.
Those who GO, those who PRAY, and those who GIVE or pay the way. I pray you will be able to stand before God one day and He will be able to say “well done, thou good and faithful servant” because you were obedient to be a part of taking the message to those in the world who have never heard it.
The passion to get the good news of Jesus to the nations burns in my heart because I know what it is like to not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. I know how He drastically changed my life giving me peace, joy and purpose.
I also have a passion to equip 5 fold ministry and the body of Christ for this work of the ministry. If you would like to be a part of ministry with zeal for God and integrity that is effectively touching nations for Jesus Christ, you can email me or contact me at:

Dr. Janet MacArthur
4433 Crossbow Court
W. Lafayette, IN 47906
For His Glory,
Dr. Janet MacArthur

The GNFN Story

Good News for the Nations (GNFN) was founded by Dr. Janet Mac Arthur in 1996 after being on the mission field for 5 years. GNFN is an international organization set up as a vehicle to the nations for evangelism, teaching, and equipping the 5 fold ministry (Philippians 4:11) and the body of Christ. These include training and taking teams to the nations to pray and do medical missions, prophetic and apostolic ministry, disaster relief, construction work, youth ministry, evangelism and teaching. Wherever GNFN goes, we take the revival anointing into the nation, bringing the power of God with healing and miracles.
The vision for GNFN was birthed in 1995 while Dr. Janet was doing missions work in Nigeria. The Lord spoke to her to return to the USA to train missionaries to take the Gospel to the nations, especially nations that have never heard the Gospel. In 1996, GNFN was established.
In 1997, Dr. Janet was appointed missions’ director at White Horse Christian Center and in 2003, after 8 years and sending out 400 missions teams (50 teams per year), the Lord had released Dr. Janet back to full time ministry in GNFN. She was given new vision to see many churches catch the vision for evangelization of the world.
GNFN hopes to pursue this goal through working with churches, Bible Schools and Para church organizations in many nations. GNFN is a non–profit organization based in Indiana, USA, and is a member in good standing of the Full Gospel Fellowship of Churches and Ministers International of Irving, Texas, founded by the late Gordon Lindsay of Christ for the Nations Institute




To see a generation of “sold out” Christians with the mission heart of God – A generation that will fearlessly go to the ends of the earth, especially where the gospel has not been preached

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