For Pastors

If you are a pastor or missions director with a heart to see missions grow in your church, we hope these resources will help you in some way to make that vision become a reality.


A Note from Dr. Janet

 God has established the local church as the seedbed for all missionaries! But the reality is – a small number of churches have ever had a full-time cross-cultural missionary come from their body, especially non-denominational, independent churches that are not connected to an established denominational missions’ program. This is primarily due to the fact that many independent churches do not know how to deal with the logistics, or where to turn to find solutions.


In many ways, the Full Gospel, Charismatic churches are a reservoir of untapped potential when it comes to mobilizing missionaries for the global harvest. But what does the pastor do when someone in his/her church wants to become a missionary? What is the guidance and counsel this person needs from the church leadership? Where does the pastor start in addressing this?

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