The GNFN Story

Janet mc

The vision for GNFN was birthed in 1995 while Dr. Janet was doing missions work in Nigeria. The Lord spoke to her to return to the USA to train missionaries to take the Gospel to the nations, especially nations that have never heard the Gospel. In 1996, GNFN was established.

In 1997, Dr. Janet was appointed missions’ director at White Horse Christian Center and in 2003, after 8 years and sending out 400 missions teams (50 teams per year), the Lord had released Dr. Janet back to full time ministry in GNFN. She was given new vision to see many churches catch the vision for evangelization of the world.

GNFN hopes to pursue this goal through working with churches, Bible Schools and Para church organizations in many nations. GNFN is a non–profit organization based in Indiana, USA, and is a member in good standing of the Full Gospel Fellowship of Churches and Ministers International of Irving, Texas, founded by the late Gordon Lindsay of Christ for the Nations Institute.

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